Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'll Try This One More Time.......

On my last post, I had posted a couple of pictures of the last two pieces I had completed.  They looked OK in the preview, but when I looked at my blog from a different computer (actually, a couple of different computers), the colors were horrible. The lichen on the rocks was glowing orange and while in real life, they were very orange, the colors in this post reeked of  Halloween.  I've never had a problem with color before, so I deleted them from the post and tried again. So, I hope they look a little more realistic than the previous ones.

 Well, this still doesn't look quite right to me, but at least they don't glow in the dark. This picture was taken last spring on an outing with my pal Judy. We had found a very hilly location that was loaded with crocus clumps and incredible rocks. This pair just begged to be photographed. There were lots of other rocks in the area as well and I think I took a picture (or two, or three) of every single one of them. I really do love rocks.

This is Amaryllis papillio and was growing happily in my kitchen for most of December, along with several others.

For those of you not on the Canadian prairies, you'll likely be shocked to hear that it's still extremely cold. By that, I mean in the -30's overnight and added to that is the windchill factor, which can put us in the -50C range. Chilly in anyone's language! It makes traveling something of a challenge and this Friday, I head to Moose Jaw, SK to teach a workshop on Thread Painting. The class is pretty nearly full and I'm looking forward to it very much. I've been getting materials together for awhile now and am happy to be ready. My friend Mary is also driving down with me to take the class, so it will be good to have some company. We're both staying in a really beautiful B&B that's in an old house filled with antiques. I might want to stay!!!

That's it for this post. I have another piece in progress and will post it when completed. It's one that I've tried before and never quite got it right, so am trying it again - so far, so good. Hopefully, I will be able to get posts up on Fridays. Gardenscape in Saskatoon is at the end of March, and I have to get a few more pieces ready for that, as well I have a gallery commitment, so I should be producing pretty regularly for the next month.

Ok - stay warm and stay safe. Cheers........................donna


  1. Your thread painting is remarkable. I recognized the lichen on the rock as soon as I saw it (It doesn't glow in the dark on my monitor). We are dipping overnight into the -30s Celsius again this weekend here too (Central Alberta)...good stitching weather. :-)

    1. Thank you Margaret. On my first attempt at posting the rock, it appeared vivid orange, so I deleted it and re-posted. I"m glad to hear that it's looking ok on another computer. Sometimes it's hard to know. I don't think we're ever going to get spring....yet again.....brrrrrrrr...........donna

  2. I wish I were close enough to take your class as your thread paintings are wonderful. It's very cold, windy, and snowy in Quebec as well, so I guess it's time for all of us to start whining!

    1. I wish you were closer too! It's soooo cold here that -25 C is starting to feel normal. As for whining, I've been whining for months and plan to continue to do so until I can see green! Ah well....thanks for commending......d

  3. You do wonderful work! I hope you'll have a safe trip - it is less cold here, but still -23 C at night, and lately we have been getting very cold winds.

  4. Thanks very much. Yes, this winter just seems to go on forever and it's nasty everywhere. Good weather to stay home and stitch! ........d

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  6. The weather in Nova Scotia is almost tropical, at -7, compared to yours. This is my first time dropping in on your blog. Your work is incredible. I might not live close enough for a class but I'll certainly be making myself a cup of tea and exploring your posts.

    1. Thanks very much Jo and you're welcome to browse! I'll hopefully be posting more often after this weekend. Glad you liked what you saw.....donna

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your thread painted rock and amaryllis look terrific and the colour looks just fine on my computer. Hope your trip and class in Moose Jaw went well.

    1. Hi JPP-good to hear. Thanks very much. And yes, my class was terrific despite the fact that it was the coldest day here in something like 20 years. Thanks for commenting...donna
