Saturday, September 5, 2015 last....

The last few weeks have been pretty crazy so I haven't been doing much of anything except stitching. I have an exhibition at the Handwave Gallery in Meacham until September 24th (thank you June!!), also I have pieces in the Meewasin Centre Gallery for the months of September and October, and I'm also participating again this year in Art at Solar Gardens on September 19th and 20th.  As well, I took pieces down for Join the Thread in Weyburn  and a couple of pieces for the Craft Council's 40th Anniversary show.  This all followed on after Dimensions, so I've basically been chained to my sewing machine!  Both the exhibition at Handwave Gallery and at the Meewasin Gallery consist of totally new work and each one is quite different from the other as far as content of work is concerned.

The above picture was taken by my husband Adrian in our front yard on August 23/15.  I had been staying up pretty late and working well into the night and when standing at a window in the house, I noticed - through the closed blind - what looked to be lightening. When I opened the blind this is what I saw.  I hadn't seen northern lights of this intensity for several years, so woke Adrian up and we stood out in the front of our house for at least an hour and watched the show. It seemed to go on forever and because Adrian had his camera already set up on the tripod, he took dozens and dozens of great shots. This photo incidentally hasn't been photoshopped at all and is exactly how it looked - lots of greens and pinks. The only thing missing was that crackling sound that you can sometimes hear if the lights are intense enough and the surroundings quiet enough. 

Anyway, what else is new......... I had a write-up in a British fibre magazine a few weeks ago.  It was six pages with around eight photos in what used to be called Workbox (now called Be Creative...with Workbox).  This isn't carried in Saskatoon any longer as far as I know, but it's a techniques-driven publication that's been around for a great many years. It was featured in their 150th Anniversary issue under the heading Prairie Portraits.  I have a pdf if anyone is interested in reading it - just email me and I'll send it to you -

Following are three of the pieces in the Handwave Gallery show.  For this exhibit, I created pieces that were a little different - not my usual landscapes or florals.  Two of these are below:

This is First Shoots of Spring - Manitoba Maple. The photo was taken by Adrian in the lovely church yard at Meacham. We just happened to be there at the right time. The shoots were very pink and the leaves very yellow-green.                    

This one is called Lichen Study on a Maple Tree. Original photo by Adrian.  The actual tree was out at Blackstrap and had so much lichen on it that you could barely see the tree trunk.  I did one other version of this for my first Artisan show and it attracted a lot of attention in the form of fingerprints!  The man who bought it also got to keep those! 

Finally, this is The Painted Field.  This one sold at the Opening of the exhibition.  I'd like to extend a great big Thank You to the lady who purchased this for her daughter's birthday.  

Also - thank you to all the people who came to the Opening and a big hug to June Jacobs for all the work involved. 

For the rest of 2015, which has zoomed past so quickly that I can hardly believe it's autumn already, I'll be attending the Artisan show and sale in November and Sundog in December.  

I'm sure I'm missing things, but if so, will include them next time. Until then, (sooner than this time I hope!!), I leave you with this little picture that I saw on the net - can't remember where, but I think I'll make it my personal motto! Cheers......donna