The past year in SK was incredible in terms of color. When spring finally arrived, it brought the richest bounty of botanical goodies that I can ever recall in all my years on the prairies. An abundance of rain resulted in flowers and plants that I have never before seen growing here. The ditches became resident galleries displaying miles and miles of flowers as you can only see here, on the prairie! In fact, I personally had several near misses when looking at the offerings in the ditches very nearly put me in the ditch.
This was the vacant lot in the Preston Crossing Mall, just across from Pet Smart.
And the views on the highways were nothing less than spectacular. Summer was pretty hot, but I managed to get to the Beaver Creek Conservation Area and Cranberry Flats about three times a week to take photos to use in my artwork. I do believe that I have enough pictures to last many many years. And autumn, well what can I say of a season that's already pretty wonderful. This year was no exception, but maybe even more beautiful than usual.
This was taken at Blackstrap on one of the last few days before the wind blew all the leaves off the trees. It was a gorgeous day.
From all of the photos that were taken on my many outings, I produced what I believe to be my best artwork to date. I had a very successful show at Agar's in September (thank you Judy Wood!) and at Artisan's (thanks to June Jacobs and the Committee) and then at Sundog (thanks again to Diane Boyko for all her organizational work). I now have work in a great many homes all over this and other provinces and even one that went to London, England. I would like to thank everyone who purchased my work. I can't express how appreciative I am and how much your support has meant to me in this, my first year showing.
This piece was Bark and Lichen and was sold complete with the finger prints of everyone who looked at it closely. For some reason, it invited a very close look!
This piece is On the Open Prairie and is for sale at the Boutique at the SK Craft Council in Saskatoon.
I think this is possibly the best piece I have ever done. It was also the first piece I sold at Artisan. This is Blackstrap Autumn Hillside.
The picture for this piece was taken at Beaver Creek by my husband, Adrian, who takes wonderful photos (that I can use!!). It's called Bend in the Creek and has been sold.
This was also taken by Adrian and again, is at Beaver Creek. This was titled At the Creek's Edge and is also sold.
Cranberry Flats. This was taken just as you leave the entrance and walk toward the river. It's called Trail to the Lookout and I'm keeping this one for myself.
This is called Autumn Birches (even though they are not all birches), and is for sale at the SK Craft Council Boutique on Broadway Ave. in Saskatoon. As well as my usual machine stitch, I've done some silk ribbon hand stitch on the leaves.
I have a few more unsold pieces from this year's work. If anyone is interested in having a look, please just contact me at All of my work is framed.
So, that's it. I can hardly believe that nearly a year has passed since I first decided to show my work at Gardenscape last March. It's been a whirlwind. I've sold a great many of my pieces, have been offered exhibition and teaching opportunities and met hundreds of people.
On a final note to this post, I would like to offer one final piece. The photo for this was taken by my pal Judy Wood, who I would also like to thank for all her support over the past long while and for being my own, personal Google!
And to my wonderful husband Adrian, who suffers through frozen dinners, late dinners, (sometimes no dinners!) so that I can work in my studio. If I could clone him, I could be a billionaire!
Meet The Blue Heron: